Your brand statement is different from your vision or mission statements. Your brand statement will help people understand what your business offers and the benefit they receive from working with you. When visiting your website, if someone doesn’t understand how your business can help them, there’s a high chance they’ll quickly leave.
On your website you want to put your brand statement on the home page, preferably at the top of the page. The main components of your brand statement include the service you offer and the short term and long term benefits your clients receive from your services. Here is a template or formula to help you get started.
Here’s an example of one of the first websites I published after I started my business in 2019. On the home page, my brand statement is “Build a brand you love. Attract your dream clients. Grow your business.”
In this statement, I’m telling people that together we will build a brand that they love (service). This will then allow them to attract their dream clients (short term benefit) and grow their business (long term benefit). This statement gives potential clients a clear understanding of the benefit of working with me.
Here’s brand statement of a client I worked with, Life Journey Genealogy.
“Our personalized genealogy services guide you in your ancestral search so you can create your descendant’s legacy.“
The personalized genealogy services is what this business offers. The short term benefit is to guide you in your ancestral search. The long term benefit is to create your descendant’s legacy.
The key to creating your brand statement is to make sure the statement is unique to you and speaks directly to your target audience. You want your audience to clearly understand the problem your business can solve for them.
Now it’s your turn. Fill in the blanks below for your brand! You can also use your brand statement when networking with potential clients in person as well.
Once you create a brand statement you love, make sure to put it at the top of your home page so new visitors can quickly understand your business and how they’ll benefit from working with you.
Until Next Time,
Melanie Latrelle
Helping women entrepreneurs build credible brands and execute their vision online so they can make a positive impact in their community and the world.